A sad day…

It’s a sad day at the Kenny house.

In the summer of 2008, Steve and I noticed two little kittens hanging out in the rear of our backyard. One was brown and one was gray. They were very skittish and afraid of people. I started feeding them in the back of the yard and slowly moving the food bowl closer and closer to the back patio. Eventually the kittens began to trust us enough to eat on the patio. We used Havahart traps and caught the kittens, had them spayed and vaccinated and returned them to the yard. We named the kittens Bert and Ernie. Bert is the gray one and Ernie is the brown one.

A few months later Ernie warmed up to us and allowed us to pet her. Bert was still much shyer and preferred to always follow Ernie’s lead. Bert got into some trouble the next summer. I caught her about 25 feet up a tree trying to get to a nest of Blue Jay babies. This resulted in the Blue Jays targeting Bert. Every time she stepped foot in the back yard a flock of Blue Jays would fly down and hit her with their beaks! Needless to say, she started only coming out at night!

Last January, Ernie went missing and I looked and looked for her, but never found her. After that, Bert became much more friendly and loved to be petted and would even let me pick her up. I hoped that one day Bert would be able to move into our house or that I could find another home for her. That all changed today, though. My neighbor called me at 6:51 a.m. this morning and told me that she thought Bert was in the road. My neighbor, Katie, met me out front and sure enough, it was Bert. Katie and I picked her up and my dad buried her for me.

Here are some pictures of Bert and Ernie.




bert 2

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5 Responses to A sad day…

  1. Therese Ball says:

    Jenny, I was so sad to hear this today. These sweet babies would not have had ANY life if it weren’t for you & Steve … and your sincere love, care & understanding of these homeless ones.

    It was bittersweet today … sweet (OH SO!) to see Chicken again & get the chance to snuggle with her. But, heartbreaking to hear of this sad loss in your life.

    Peace & love to you & yours.
    Therese Ball
    CARE Center

  2. Carol Case says:


    The Cases send our love your way. Our family knows how animals can make a place for themselves in a person’s heart. Our hearts go out to you on your loss.


  3. Kelly Robbe says:

    So sorry to hear this!!! You are such an animal lover and I am sure you are mourning the loss of your friend.

  4. Alle says:

    My heart pours out to you, Jenny. You are a wonderful person for being so kind and welcoming to all the kitties that are lucky enough to find you. Thank you for finding Toots (AKA Moon Cat) for me. 🙂 I couldn’t imagine life without her, and I wouldn’t have her if it wasn’t for you. So thank you. ❤

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